Unstoppable Decay and Relentless Hope: Study of Alterity in Popular Culture


  • Adrien Ordonneau Rennes 2 University, Rennes, France Author




uncanny, Alienation, Postmodernism, Fiction, Health, trauma, Alterity, Internet, Relationships


Consequences of capitalism’s crises and their manifestations in arts have deeply modified the way we can approach mental health. As Mark Fisher pointed out in 2009 with his book Capitalist Realism, neoliberalism is using mental illness as a way to keep existing. The capacity to think a way out of alienation is deeply linked with arts and popular culture.

The article proposes to study the uncanny dialogue between arts and politics in relationships to people, and mental health. The theoretical framework will show how arts are trying to build a way out of alienation, since 2009. The article will illustrate this research with the study of many artistic practices, including our own.

The findings will show how the ambiguous and uncanny relationships with the world is used by artists as a way out of alienation, despite the difficulties occurring with mental health in time of crisis.

Author Biography

  • Adrien Ordonneau, Rennes 2 University, Rennes, France

    As a transdisciplinary researcher in music, I originally graduated from cinema and plastic arts. My doctoral thesis is focused on the uncanny feeling in arts in the late capitalism era. This work approaches various topics such as alienation, rituals, and technology through political and cultural philosophy. Some of these topics were exposed in study days like Capitalist Realim, 10 years on in Huddersfield University, or Music and Resistance in Lucca University. Another part of our work on accelerationnism and subversion in music will be published in TransversALL papers.

    This research is labeled as Research and Creation. As an artist, my work has been seen in French festivals like Astropolis, Maintenant, Laval Virtual or Vilaine Planète. As a musician, I am currently produced in various record labels like Préhensible, Ultravirus, Absorb, and in the Mutant Mixtapes created by the artist Arca. I am also giving courses to students in plastic arts.




How to Cite

Unstoppable Decay and Relentless Hope: Study of Alterity in Popular Culture. (2021). INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology, 7, 56-76. https://doi.org/10.51191/issn.2637-1898.2021.4.7.56