Development of Digital Competences and Their Influence on Innovative Approaches in the Teaching Practice of Students of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo

Razvoj digitalnih kompetencija i njihov uticaj na inovativne pristupe u nastavnoj praksi studenata i studentica Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Univerziteta u Sarajevu




culture, education, innovative approaches, teaching practice, digital and analog tools, digital competencies


The development of new technologies has a significant impact on many artistic fields, with work processes redefined and new digital tools can join analog ones to become a continuation of the creator's hand. The goal of this research is to determine the possibility of using digital and analog tools in art education. The research was conducted among students/future teachers, with the aim of determining the extent to which digital and analog tools are suitable for certain art design, and to examine the methodological specifics of the implementation of such classes. The research “Development of digital competences and their influence on innovative approaches in the teaching practice of students of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo” foresees a series of activities, which require that students, through lectures, seminars and workshops, become familiar with new possibilities of digital and analog tools, and to implement the acquired knowledge in their teaching practice. The impact of the research is reflected in the strengthening of students' output competencies, their preparation for independent activity in the primary educational context. Digital and analog tools, along with the application of the general laws of visual language, will have an empowering effect on students and future teachers, but also on the end users of the acquired knowledge, that is, on the students of Canton Sarajevo primary schools. The use of digital and analog tools for the purpose of creating an art solution will enable all participants of the research activities to develop a wide range of creative skills and expand their output digital competences, as well as easier design and construction of a personal art manuscript. The results of the research can be a real incentive for the modernization of the university education program, the lifelong training program for art teachers, and current and future teaching practices, which primarily want to respond to the challenges of social aspirations.

Author Biography

  • Nela Hasanbegović, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Nela Hasanbegović M.F.A., was born in Sarajevo (1984) where she completed primary education, and then secondary education at the School of Applied Arts. Graduated at the Sculpture Department, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo 2007. MFA studies completed at the same department 2010. She has been working at the Department of Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts University of Sarajevo since 2012. Currently is assistant professor in the field of Methods of Art Education. Currently is PhD candidate at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, on third-year of studies and student of the second-year on interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University in Sarajevo.

    She exhibited her artworks at 131 international and domestic group exhibitions and realized 23-solo exhibitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Her artworks are included in important museums and private collections. She has given talks at numerous panels and presentations, and held several lectures. She has published several papers and participated in many symposia, artist colonies and residency programs, and she has won several prestigious awards and scholarships. She is a member of the several Associations of Artists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Special areas of her research interest include three-dimensional and multidisciplinary art as well as teaching processes at all levels of education, with an emphasis on the Methods of Art Education.





How to Cite

Development of Digital Competences and Their Influence on Innovative Approaches in the Teaching Practice of Students of the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo: Razvoj digitalnih kompetencija i njihov uticaj na inovativne pristupe u nastavnoj praksi studenata i studentica Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Univerziteta u Sarajevu. (2023). INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology, 11, 110-129.