Technological and Artistic Challenges in the Re-Performance of Music Theatre Work FE...DE...RI...CO... (1987) by Constança Capdeville: from the Archive to the Stage


  • Filipa Magalhães Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM), Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (FCSH), Universidade NOVA, Lisbon, Portugal Author
  • Inês Filipe Institute of Education, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal Author
  • Mariana Silva Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM), Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (FCSH), Universidade NOVA, Lisbon, Portugal Author
  • Henrique Carvalho Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (RTP), Portuguese public television and radio broadcaster, Lisbon, Portugal Author



preservation, documentation, Constança Capdeville, analog recordings, re-performance, audio signal processing, Music theatre


In this article a group of authors will discuss the documentation process carried out by Filipa Magalhães during her PhD research, who gathered all possible materials concerning the music theatre work FE...DE...RI...CO... (1987) by Constança Capdeville. She created a more complete script (based on the information left by Capdeville, such as scores, texts, drawings, sketches with stage indications, scripts containing the main lines, and scripts for sound and light) aiming to document the several layers of information in order to systematize the work for archival purposes. The music theatre as a performative genre is a synthesis of multimedia artform that involves technological resources (for example the magnetic tape medium), which are aimed to be preserved, exploited, and valorized in order to make re-performance feasible. We will focus on the understanding of the difficulties and challenges found to bring this performance back from the archive to the stage.




How to Cite

Technological and Artistic Challenges in the Re-Performance of Music Theatre Work FE...DE...RI...CO... (1987) by Constança Capdeville: from the Archive to the Stage. (2023). INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology, 10, 31-52.