We Experienced Hype: The Truth will set Machiavelli Free



Machiavelli, Covid-19 pandemic

Author Biography

  • Hanan Hadžajlić, Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Hanan Hadžajlić (1991) is a Bosnian/Slovenian composer, flutist and transdisciplinary researcher. Since 2018 she has been employed as a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Composition at the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo. She is a co-founder and director of the Institute for Contemporary Artistic Music (INSAM Sarajevo, 2015). Since 2012 she is a member of the ensemble SONEMUS.

    She completed DMA in flute performance at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade (mentor: prof. Ljubiša Jovanović, co-mentor: Dr. Vesna Mikić). Currently she is a PhD candidate in art theory - transdisciplinary studies of contemporary art and media at the Faculty of Media and Communication in Belgrade (mentor: Dr. Andrija Filipović, co-mentor: Dr. Miodrag Šuvaković) and student of DMA in Composition at the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo. She completed MA and BA in composition (mentor: prof. Ališer Sijarić, co-mentor: Dr. Amila Ramović) and MA and BA in flute performance (mentor: prof. Sakib Lačević, co-mentor: Dr. Ivan Čavlović) at the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo. She was a scholarship holder of the Lucerne Festival Academy - Composer Seminar 2017 and Science Underground Academy 2016. Her composition Freezing Moon is included in the book The 21st Century Voice: Contemporary and Traditional Extra-normal Voice by Michael Edward Edgerton. She participated in composition masterclasses with Heiner Goebbels, Peter Ablinger, Philippe Manoury, Vinko Globokar, Wolfgang Rihm, Dieter Ammann, Michel van der Aa.

    Her music was performed in Europe, Israel, the USA, and Australia at festivals such as the Women Composers Festival of Hartford, Vox Feminae – Israeli Women Composers and Performers Forum, Lucerne Festival, SONEMUS Fest, Flauta & Me, Sarajevo Sonic Studio, Sarajevo Chamber Music Festival and institutions such as the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Jan Hus Presbyterian Church New York, Charter Oak Cultural Centre Hartford, Conservatory of Music Tel Aviv, Kunstmuseum Lucern - KKL, Hochschule der Künste Bern, Henrietta St Dublin, Bosniak Institute Sarajevo, Army Hall Sarajevo, Musem of the National Theatre Belgrade, Faculty of Music Belgrade, Zavod za kulturu Vojvodine, etc. She cooperated with ensembles such as Mosaik, New Thread Quartet, Lucerne Festival Alumni Ensemble, SONEMUS, Neofonia, Impro Ensemble MAS, String Orchestra MAS etc.




How to Cite

We Experienced Hype: The Truth will set Machiavelli Free. (2021). INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology, 7, 25-27. https://insamjournal.com/index.php/ij/article/view/13