No. 2 (2019): Artificial Intelligence in Music, Arts and Theory

The subject of machine learning and creativity, as well as its appropriation in arts, is the focus of this issue with our Main theme of – Artificial Intelligence in Music, Arts, and Theory. In our invitation to collaborators, we discussed our standing preoccupation with the exploration of technology in contemporary theory and artistic practice. The invitation also noted that this time we are encouraged and inspired by Catherine Malabou’s new observations regarding brain plasticity and the metamorphosis of (natural and artificial) intelligence. Revising her previous stance that the difference between brain plasticity and computational architecture is not authentic and grounded, Malabou admits in her new book, Métamorphoses de l'intelligence: Que faire de leur cerveau bleu? (2017), that plasticity – the potential of neuron architecture to be shaped by environment, habits, and education – can also be a feature of artificial intelligence. “The future of artificial intelligence,” she writes, “is biological.”
We wanted to provoke a debate about what machines can learn and what we can learn from them, especially regarding contemporary art practices.
On the cover: Devine Lu Linvega / NASA, "The Puppyslug Nebula", courtesy of NASA and Google DeepDream
Cover design: Milan Šuput